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332 Datasets
4 Groups
User since 06/09/2020
- Land (18) Apply Land filter
- demographics (15) Apply demographics filter
- public safety (12) Apply public safety filter
- economy (11) Apply economy filter
- Transportation (10) Apply Transportation filter
- socioeconomic (9) Apply socioeconomic filter
- streets (7) Apply streets filter
- property (6) Apply property filter
- Population (5) Apply Population filter
- asset-street maintenance (3) Apply asset-street maintenance filter
- Boundaries (3) Apply Boundaries filter
- education (3) Apply education filter
- emergency (3) Apply emergency filter
- map (3) Apply map filter
- transit (3) Apply transit filter
- council districts (2) Apply council districts filter
- crime (2) Apply crime filter
- Development (2) Apply Development filter
- Financing (2) Apply Financing filter
- Flood (2) Apply Flood filter
- health (2) Apply health filter
- Schools (2) Apply Schools filter
- Tax (2) Apply Tax filter
- assessor (1) Apply assessor filter
- bicycle (1) Apply bicycle filter
- budget (1) Apply budget filter
- census (1) Apply census filter
- city planning (1) Apply city planning filter
- city services (1) Apply city services filter
- COVID-19 (1) Apply COVID-19 filter
- government (1) Apply government filter
- historic district (1) Apply historic district filter
- Mechanical Permits (1) Apply Mechanical Permits filter
- municipalities (1) Apply municipalities filter
- Occupancy Permits (1) Apply Occupancy Permits filter
- Orthoimagery (1) Apply Orthoimagery filter
- permits (1) Apply permits filter
- planning (1) Apply planning filter
- taxes (1) Apply taxes filter
- Use (1) Apply Use filter
arnoldhart's content
86 results
Emergency Management
Jefferson County
Our mission is to make the whole of Jefferson County more disaster-resilient through implementation of best practices, active engagement of community partners, and the coordination of public safety initiatives and resources, locally and...
- 2x pdf
Levies/Assessed Valuations
Jefferson County
The County Clerk is responsible for tracking tax rates for all real estate and personal property in the various political subdivisions (i.e., school districts, cities, fire protection districts, ambulance districts, and other special districts)...