Public Safety Answering Point Boundaries
Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Boundaries within St. Louis County, Missouri
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Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Boundaries within St. Louis County, Missouri
pdf map of 2012 State Representative Districts and Municipalities St. Louis County, Missouri
St. Louis County School Districts and Municipalities map (pdf)
Voter precincts in St. Louis County, Missouri as determined by the St. Louis County Board of Elections Commissioners.
CSV of Part 1 crime data for 2019 through December for the following police departments in St. Louis County: Ballwin, Bel Nor, Bel Ridge, Bella Villa, Bellefontaine Neighbors, Breckenridge Hills, Brentwood, Country Club Hills, Chesterfield,...
CSV Table. This table includes coded descriptions for Property Class Codes in the St. Louis County, Missouri Parcel dataset. Property Class Codes are the Tax Subclass Codes for a property.